Who Am I?
I am: an INTJ on the Meyers-Briggs. A #5 Enneagram
Top 5 StrengthsFinders:
1. Restorative: I'm adept at dealing with problems. I'm good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it
2. Input: I accumulate information, ideas, artifacts and relationships
3. Learner: I have a great desire to want to improve
4. Achiever: I work hard and have a great deal of stamina. I take immense satisfaction in being productive
5. Deliberative: I take great care in making decisions and anticipate obstacles
rock climbing, playing ukulele & harmonica, skiing, dating my wife, spending time with my kids, writing
Favorite food:
Pizza (especially moonlight pizza in Salida, CO although I don't eat it very often)!
​My approach reflects my values​
Craftsmanship: impeccable attention to detail. As my patient, your successful outcome is my work of art.
Innovation: Never satisfied with the status quo, if there's a better way to help somebody, I will be the first to adopt it
Holistic Approach: the body is not just one system but a complex interaction of many systems and environments and should be treated as such.
Focus on Longevity: while most PTs are content to have you leave and feel better for a few days or week, I'm not happy unless i can call you randomly a year from now and you're still doing great after your PT has been complete.
Evidence-Informed Care: as an avid reader of research, I'm constantly integrating new information and treatments into my practice.
Dedication: Unlike many PTs, I don't want to just get you to 80% better. I want to get you better than you were before an injury.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Kinesiology & Exercise Science: University of Colorado
Doctor of Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy: University of Colorado
Orthopedic Residency Program: Temple University